Which MBTI type are the characters from Lord of the Rings?

Due to popular demand, it has become requested that the three main fiction world series be tackled; Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. As you well know, in a previous article, I investigated the MBTI types of the characters from Harry Potter. This article will investigate the characters from Lord of the Rings, and the final article will investigate the characters from Star Wars. 

Frodo is an INFP. Frodo is incorruptible throughout the trilogy, and makes every decision based on what he believes is the morally correct decision; he is adaptable to any situation, and as a small hobbit fighting the biggest villains appears to always be able to find his way out of any situation. His Ne allows him to understand concepts that seem out of this world; the entire idea of the ring may seem unbelievable to an everyday inhabitant of Middle Earth.

Sam is one of the easiest typed characters of all times, and is often labelled as the ISFJ for case study in fiction. He is loyal to Frodo throughout the movies and his loyalty never sways, even when Frodo betrays him due to Gollum. Remember the end of the third movie, who helped Frodo reach the end of his journey when all hope seemed lost? Sam. This loyalty is evident in most ISFJ’s, as explained in this article.

Gandalf is an INTJ. He is wise and self-righteous; he believes he knows exactly the right decision to make, and is a natural leader. He is not as open minded as he wishes, especially during a few puzzles that he believes he can solve due to his high self belief of intelligence that many Ni’s have not working in particular situations. He is calculating and commanding, and acts as a perfect role model of an INTJ. Saruman, much like Gandalf, is an INTJ. He is much like an evil version of Gandalf, and shows how two characters who are powerful and knowledgeable can behave in completely different ways.

Other types include:

Sauron- INTJ

Galadriel- INFJ

Legolas- ISTP

Pippan- ESTP

Merry- ESTP

Elrond- INTP

Bilbo- ESTP

Wormtounge- INTJ

Gimli- ISTJ

Galadriel: ENFJ
Denethor- ESTJ

Boromir- ESTP

Theoden- ISTJ

Celeborn- INTP

Arwen- ENFP

About tatl33

Hello, my name is Tim! I am an INFJ interested in psychology currently residing in Australia. My aim is to provide you with information on MBTI and how it can be related to real life situations. Enjoy :)
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20 Responses to Which MBTI type are the characters from Lord of the Rings?

  1. Pingback: Which MBTI type are the characters from Star Wars? (Old and New Trilogy) | Which MBTI Type…

  2. crackiswhacksherlock says:

    Did you seriously leave out Aragorn
    I keep going through and checking if I somehow missed him
    I saw that you wrote Galadriel in twice, maybe you wrote her name instead of his once?

  3. Robin says:

    I completely agree with the types you explained, but I wish you had some explanations for the others. A lot of them don’t seem quite right to me. Interesting nonetheless!

    • tatl33 says:

      Thank you! Sorry if some of them don’t seem accurate, I will provide further explanation on any that don’t make sense for you 🙂

  4. Pingback: Which MBTI type is the most heroic and villainous? | Which MBTI Type…

  5. Charity says:

    I used to think Gandalf was an INTJ, until an INTJ pointed out how illogical it is to send hobbits off across Mordor with the One Ring. Heh. I think he could be an INTP – more of a big picture guy than a single, forethought purpose, constantly questioning authority, with some Fe on the side (caring about the hobbits). He really looks nothing like Saruman personality-wise.

    Pippin… hmm, ESFP, since he’s always acting on his emotions and getting himself into trouble when Gandalf tells him to shut up and stay out of sight.

    Merry … either ESTP or ENTP, I think he caught on to the larger vision way faster than Pippin did. I need to re-watch the movie and pay attention to him.

    Bilbo – ESFJ… maybe. I don’t see him as very spontaneous at all; he loves the comforts of home.

    Aragorn is the hardest one out of the bunch to figure out. He wanders, he thinks, he contemplates, he fears the future because of what happened in the past. Si-type of some kind?

    • tatl33 says:

      Yeah your Bilbo reasoning makes me reconsider his typing. He definitely doesn’t seem like the adventurer type.

      I sorta think Gandalf is 50/50 INTJ/INTP. His desire to lead, and control situations signals Ni in my opinion, and his inability to consider his environments when he didn’t figure out the puzzle in movie one.

      Merry/Pippen you’ve nailed pretty well!
      And Aragorn is definitely really hard to nail.

      • Charity says:

        Bilbo is pretty good at thinking fast on his feet, which makes me think Si-Ne.

        Gandalf comes across differently in the movies than in the books, but I suppose it COULD be argued that Gandalf the Gray is an INTP/ENTP (ENTP actually may fit better since he’s basically a giant troll who just messes with everyone for fun — “IS it a good morning??”) and Gandalf the White is an INTJ. (?) Gandalf 1 is way more laid back, easy-going, a bit scattered and Gandalf 2 is deliberate, purposeful, etc.

        • tatl33 says:

          That’s actually so true. The second Gandalf seemed completely different, and that’s probably the main non physical difference to be honest.
          What do you think about the characters from The Hobbit?

          • Charity says:

            I think Thorin is an ESTJ — very much a man of action, but also completely dominated by thoughts of the past (his own experiences with Thranduil and the elves, etc). I don’t know about the rest of the dwarves.

            Radagast — INFP, totally a dreamer, disconnected from reality, but he uses Ne-Si also — he figures out something big is going on and then uses past experiences to explain it; he’s way too disorganized and scatterbrained not to be a P of some sort, and he’s all alone for decades. ISFP doesn’t fit, so — INFP.

            Thranduil — we haven’t seen enough of him yet, but I’m guessing ISTJ if he too holds long-term grudges.

            I’ll be eager to see what the new female dwarf is like, Tauriel. From the previews, I see Fe. (And can I just say, REDHEADED ELF. I love it. Oh, my gosh — give me this movie NOW!)

  6. Pingback: Lord of the Rings MBTI | Marissa

  7. Charity says:

    Changed my mind on Radagast — ISFP gone nuts. And it looks like Tauriel is an INFP. 🙂

  8. Joanna says:

    I really can’t understand how people could even think of typing Gandalf as an INTJ. His dominant Ni & Fe scream from afar!!! No way he is using Te or Fi. End of the story. INTP’s are usually kind of the more introverted of the introverts and their Fe is very weak and something they cannot use for their advantage nowhere near as skillfuly as Gandalf does. ENTP does not fit the description either. Although he has many creative ideas he tends to loose interest in most things pretty quickly and although he has a respectable Fe he has a tendency for boasting and not being really diplomatic. ENFJ finally makes for an emotional expression that most likely exceeds that which Gandalf shows and they are not likely to read much and focus on details. Only INFJ matches as a type and in fact it matches perfectly: INFJs see people’s motives and potential in others that is being ignored, they listen to their instict of what it could work, they are focused on the future and have a larger vision, they are warm around others very tactful and diplomatic yet in core, inside their heads they focus on notions, ideas and link them rationally to see if a general concept that they first grabbed with their intuition is in detail as they thought it was. They are likely to be lost in a while researching in detail about something and they can be very resourceful in their field of interest. They believe in humans because their logic and natural inclination (Ni) says is the best thing to do. They are not interested in power but in creating a harmonious better future for humanity. INTJs are very direct, non-diplomatic and even unsympathetic, they have this cold outside warm inside. INFJs are very diplomatic and sympathetic, they are warm on the outside and cold on the inside.

    • Hi there, I realize this was posted a while ago but speaking as an actual INTP, I’d like to give you another perspective on Gandalf specifically.

      Now, you said, “INTP’s are usually kind of the more introverted of the introverts and their Fe is very weak and something they cannot use for their advantage nowhere near as skillfuly as Gandalf does.” While you did say “usually”, let’s also consider the “unusual”; the fact of Gandalf’s age and experience. He’s been around for a very, very, long time which means that he’s probably more on the higher developed/mature spectrum of INTP. Depending on the circumstances of one’s life, they can develop the features of their type that are normally limited in ability or even practically absent, which can also make them appear to be a different type though to their core, they are the same type. I say all this merely because I am not an “introvert of introverts” as I am often mistaken for being extroverted (and really all either of those terms mean on their own is where you get your energy from-states of solitude or of companionship). I also have worked to develop a much stronger Fe as I’ve noted how advantageous it can be in life. You may be totally right, but I think that’s the great limitation of typing characters and even real people; there are a lot of factors that make each of us a unique shade of our type, not merely a set of letters.

      • Anonymous says:

        that’s right – a lot of things influences people, and certainly an young INTJ is a lot different than and older one – just read A Beautiful Mind, biography from INTJ John Nash, the difference of him young and older is *yelling*. I am an straight INTJ-A and totally identify with Gandalf, so yes, he *IS* and INTJ. people often think INTJ contradictory and won’t grasp how we work out on things or the logic behind – also, who said INTJ ideas are always perfect or plans never fails!? I myself learned a lot from experiences through years. INTJ are up to questioning and reconsidering things, as we like to analyze and variables always change through time. I am also extremely introverted, and people always confuse this as being shy or inarticulate – i am neither. i use my intuition all the time, which may seem too abstract to logic thinking (maybe why INTJ seem contradictory).

        people also forget to consider a vital feature that can variate into personality types: the type -T or -A. this completely influences the outcome, an INTJ-A and INTJ-T are not the same: https://www.16personalities.com/articles/identity-assertive-vs-turbulent

  9. starlightsdestructor says:

    Elrond is not INTP, he is INTJ. Gandalf I am not sure. Idk very well Saruman but his Ni is rather weak, not as strong as Elrond, Gandalf, Galadriel, or Thranduil. Saruman maybe ENTJ, he is not preparing so well, too depending on his minions, too trusting with Sauron, and too ambitious to be INTJ. Characters that I think are INTJs because I am INTJ, that I feel connected somehow is Elrond and Thranduil. My enneagram is 153 sp/sx.

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