Which MBTI type is most addiction prone?


In this blog, the various types of addiction will be investigated in relation to the various MBTI types. Firstly, what is addiction? I investigated several internet articles to find out what addiction really is, and found several results:

Addiction: “The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.” (Dictionary)

Addiction: “is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (gambling) that can be pleasurable but the continued use of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work or relationships, or health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.” (Psychology Today)

From these sources, it can be concluded that there are various sources of addiction. Gambling, smoking, and drug use are some types of addiction that immediately come to mind. In this article, I will investigate various types of addiction and which MBTI type is most prone to that type.

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse, or substance abuse, accompanies many types of addiction including smoking, alcohol abuse and various other forms of drugs. According to a reliable source (Truity, 2012) the INTP type is the most frequent type among college students committing alcohol and drug use violations. Mixed with their desire for exploration and endless possibilities (Ne), there lack of concern about society expectations of drugs=bad (Ti), and their introversion indicating they can be more obsessive than their extroverted counterparts, this can easily be justified. This is also evident in another source, which states that the sensation seeking personality traits (the P types), who stay away from the predictability and boring, as well as the open minded to experimenting types (Ne), are more prone to drug use. (derby.ac.uk) Therefore, INTP’s are most likely to become addicted to drugs.

Compulsive overeating

Compulsive overeating, sometimes called food addiction, is an obsession with eating. Symptoms include eating more than usual, rapid weight gain, depression or mood swings, feelings of guilt due to overeating, very low self esteem and depression or mood swings. “Binge-eaters may use food to fill an emotional void by overeating to cope with life’s challenges and with their emotional insecurities. In reality, their overeating causes guilt, shame and disgust. Frequently, they are overweight and typically suffer from low self-esteem. Binge eating is very common mostly with teenagers.” (Wikipedia)

This emotional void is commonly associated with the primary Fi types, who go through stages where they feel unworthy of who they are, especially in the high school years. There Se is fullfilled with the immediate sensations they feel, often forgetting to justify to themselves why they shouldn’t be eating so much. Therefore, ISFP’s are most prone to this addiction.

Gambling Addiction

A gambling addiction is an urge to gamble despite harmful negative consequences and a desire to stop. According to a reliable source, in reality there is no specific cause for a gambling addiction, however there are several traits that make you more prone to addiction. Most of these are resulted from a risky, compulsive personality, and an increased chance of antisocial personality disorder. (Gamblingaddiction.org) Antisocial personality disorder, as mentioned in a previous article  is associated with the ESTP type, which very accurately describes the type of person who gambles. Se is about in the moment, hopeful thinking. Se, much like a gambling addiction, involves risky, spontaneous in the moment thinking, which is concerned with endless opportunities. Ti is primarily concerned with numbers and, if an ESTP becomes distraught, may logically justify that “the next one will be the big win” to the point that the introverted thinking function acts as a compulsive thought telling the addicted person they can win. This justifies why the ESTP type is most likely to be addicted to gambling.

Computer Addiction

Computer addiction, including internet addiction and video games addictions, can be describes as an obsessive use of computers that interferes with day to day life. Several traits of a computer addict include disregard of time and practical elements of life, risking loss of career goals, educational objectives and personal relationships and lack of social interaction. (Uniiverse.com) Introverts are most likely to lose social interaction due to a computer addiction, intuitive types lose practical elements of their life, thinking types can easily forget about personal relationships and perceiving types may lose track of time, risk career goals and educational objectives. The INTP type is most likely to be invested in  these games and the internet, which is further supported by the Ti’s and Ne’s love for imagination and investment into one particular topic. Therefore, it can be concluded that the INTP is most likely to be addicted to computer addiction.

Sexual Addiction

Sexual addiction, including obsessive pornography use, is best described as a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts. (Psychcentral) There are several signs of a sexual addiction including leading a double life, frequently seeking out sexual material, lacking intimacy, compromising personal relationships, seeking out sexual adventures and getting in trouble with the law. (Askmen.com) It is also noted that by increasing self knowledge, self awareness and willpower, this addiction can be reduced. From this information, Se types are most likely to seek immediate sensations, with Se types more likely to be involved in getting in trouble with the law, seeking out sexual adventures and seeking out sexual material. The second function would more likely be Ti than Fi for several reasons:

  1. Sexual addictions are more commonly found in men who are more likely to be thinking types
  2. They are more likely to compromise personal relationships, to lack intimacy and lead a double life due to less concern for partner’s feelings (in extreme situations, this is)
  3. With Se and Ti, this would make them the ESTP type or “the doers” who are regarded as the most impulsive, thrill seeking type.

Therefore, from this information, it can be concluded that the ESTP is most likely to have a sexual addiction.

About tatl33

Hello, my name is Tim! I am an INFJ interested in psychology currently residing in Australia. My aim is to provide you with information on MBTI and how it can be related to real life situations. Enjoy :)
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55 Responses to Which MBTI type is most addiction prone?

  1. kestrel4 says:

    I don’t feel like a psychopathic, drug addicted, computer freak but it’s getting harder to ignore the weight of evidence against INTPs. So I’m thinking it’s a good thing that MB types cannot be diagnosed in utero.

    • tatl33 says:

      ESTP’s are most likely to be psychopathic, not INTPs 😉

      Which MBTI type is most likely to be a psychopath? (In Fiction)

    • jdieqZX says:

      I see someones opinion in this article, but there is no evidence of this at all and none cited in the article. I have never met an INTP and I can see where they might try all of the mentioned topics (I am INTX). However the INTP will approach in a rational and controlled way. How many INTP’s die from drug overdose? How many are incarcerated? Can you picture the average INTP at some rave party doing drugs, falling down and messing himself? Not likely. I can see the computer thing, but even that has its limits, they are just too lazy to get addicted to anything for any length of time.

      • tatl33 says:

        I agree with a lot of what you said.
        I typed the INTP as most likely to be drug addicted not in the going to raves and drugging type of way, more the chilling in their home trying some new substances to see what it does kind of way. Looking at statistics, I do believe INTP would be more likely to try each of the mentioned things, hence why they are more likely to be addicted to it (if other types don’t try them- they can’t be addicted.) However, I also believe they would be most likely to get over the various addictions as well.. That’s my thought process…

        • jdieqzx says:

          The INTP may be likely to try drugs, even long term. But “addicted” would be rare for this type. The drugs would most likely be legal ones that can be researched. Street drugs, even if legal (with a script) would present the problem of contamination from the seller (cutting, spiking for profit) and could kill you the first time out. INTP’s like CONTROLLED risk over a long period of time with high payoff. And they like to know what caused “A” to happen, etc. Street drugs would not give you this answer due to the unknown.

          This is a SCIENCE minded brain, ALWAYS. If not, then it is not an INTP. He/she would ratchet this up slowly until experiencing diminishing returns. Then he would cut back and add a second drug, or stop entirely to compare to another drug. There would be some sort of benefit that had a rational aim, example would be so called smart drugs.

          IS this addiction? If the drug improves ones health with less risk then NOT taking the drug, it would be hard to call it an addiction.

          Drug use, gambling, etc are all similar behaviors. They involve risk. The extroverted types that are sensors would probably gravitate to these behaviors.

          INTP/J would be more likely to own the casino or be an advisor to the owner. The INTP/J might make a career out of drug distribution or gambling but is unlikely to use his own medicine in the same way.

          • tatl33 says:

            Good point. If an INTP does consume a drug as much as a regular person, don’t you agree that the body would crave the drug no matter how rational they are? I don’t think a scientific mind stops a more logical type from getting addicted, it’s just a scientific mind is less likely to make decisions that lead to these situations. So I half agree with you- INTP’s are more rational and can justify their consumptions to not make stupid decisions. At the same time, they are more open to these decisions to explore their scientific minds, if just once.
            The last paragraph where you said the INTP/J type would be more likely to own the drug distribution instantly makes me think of Walter White and Mike from Breaking Bad…

          • jdieqzx says:

            TATL33 – “as much as a regular person”, HA, I love that! I would love to hear from some “real” INTP’s. I am INTX, leaning to the P side. I agree with everything you are saying.

            I think our sticking point is on the word addiction and how to define that state of mind/body on a case by case basis. I think of negative health consequences when I think of addiction. So; a person that does something on a regular basis, that does not harm their mind or body in a measurable way, to me, is not addicted. This is probably NOT the standard psychological definition.

            Here is the key, the article said “According to a reliable source (Truity, 2012) the INTP type is the most frequent type among college students committing alcohol and drug use violations”….

            DRUG USE VIOLATIONS. This has NOTHING to do with addiction, in the INTP’s mind. We don’t care at all what people think, especially institutions regarding personal freedom. INTP’s are probably the sloppiest at covering up their use. Most would probably not close the door or hide anything. Violations do not mean that he was above his personal tolerance.

          • tatl33 says:

            That’s actually a good point- we must define addiction first. And in all honesty, I agree a lot more with your definition of addiction. I also overlooked the drug use violations- the INTP is definitely less likely to cover up, plus the number of college students who are INTP’s likely to be in this situation is far more significant than say ESFJ..

        • Anonymous says:

          It is really hard to explain how much INTP’s like transparency. We view the world as a puzzle that CAN but probably WON’T be solved. Covering things up just confuses the puzzle even more in an unnecessary and unproductive fashion. And passing judgement without the appropriate data is a real sin. Things may look a certain way and not be that way at all. So we are viewed as unsure of ourselves. But we are judging ourselves based on a hypothetical “most perfect” solution, not against other people. So we are not really feeling 2nd to other people but to nature itself and ALL the possibilities.

          My friends had to train me to be prepared in case a police officer pulls me over, to have proper documentation ready and what NOT to say. Inexperienced INTP’s will mess up these situations because they think other people are rational and reasonable and will certainly see the truth. But others do not think this way. We also have fun to some extent watching others (SJ) jump to whacko, erroneous conclusions with no data and no intellect, and we wont speak up just to see how far they go with their prejudicial, self-serving, manipulative analysis and to see how many friends or authorities they will invoke. Without testing, taunting, risk taking, we do not learn and have no basis to comprehend other people. This is why Columbo (INT..) looks like an idiot, until the very end.

          • jdieqzx says:

            Previous post was jdieqZX, could not log in..

          • tatl33 says:

            I think that differentiates INTP’s from ISTP’s in many ways- they see things for what they are a lot more, and they hate transparency. Do you agree?
            Haaha thats funny. I love how different the SJ’s and NP’s view the world. It almost reminds me of how Ne types often prank SJ police officers in Youtube videos with their creative ideas. It always makes me laugh. 🙂
            That’s so true as well. I love an INTP’s ability to learn and improve, spending their whole life as a scientist

        • jdieqzx says:

          Your really getting me to think! Ok, let’s see, first off I can not comment on any P types, I have NEVER tested one other than myself and just barely. Yes, I have gotten 100% J. This is a work environment however and I think people lie to seem more studious and on-time and self-assured (J types) when they take the test. I’m shocked at how P and J are listed at 50/50 in the posted Myers Briggs data, it has not been my experience in America.

          Next, did you mean the ISTP’s hate transparency and see things for what they are? Either way, I would say they both try to see things for what they are but I believe INTP seeks a bigger picture with more possibilities.

          Let’s say you ran a 3 minute video of a street fight but you are missing the first minute (as often happens in the news on TV) so you are starting at minute 1:00. You see person B punching person A for seemingly no reason and you might conclude that B is in the wrong.
          But then you find the first minute of the video where A attacked B from behind, the fight got broken up and at 1 minute B recovers and is really counter attacking A. Now the INTENT has changed. INTP seeks this new information to get a fuller picture into the past AND into the future. To me, this makes INTP very grounded in reality, but a bigger reality. It also makes him/her out of step with most of society.

          • tatl33 says:

            I love the analogy you use in the final paragraph. It is also what I think differentiates Ne from Ni- the Ne can manage to take a look at the whole thing, whereas the Ni often focuses on one specific part. Therefore I think Ne seeks that information more than Ni- not much more, I might add, since Ni also seeks similar purposes as Ne, but more nonetheless, as Ne’s love discovering. Great analogy.
            I think with work environments you have to consider that everybody appears more J- perhaps why you yourself appear more J. It’s a competitive world, and if you don’t appear prompt/organized it’s hard to manage.
            I often find people are confused between INTP/INTJ. There was a survey on this very thing and it was discovered that people who type INTP are usually most unsure/least confident that their type is correct.

          • jdieqzx says:

            It’s funny because I would find it refreshing if someone would admit on a job application that they are in fact late sometimes and do daydream a bit and might be a little unsure of themselves, it would move me in the direction of liking them as opposed to the always on time, never wrong, always confident, self-assured robots we typically see. I tend to favor the least J I can find but really everyone tests as intj, entj, enfj, estj. That’s really it. Nothing from any of the other personalities so far.

            Good point, I never studied the specifics of the personalities Ne, Ni, etc. but yes Ne does seem to take a look at the whole thing. I know I am INTp but it is hard to tell sometimes until you hang around with definitive INTJ’s and you see the differences.

            How can a person grow if they think they know everything?

          • tatl33 says:

            So true; noone would admit that! And it’s funny that they are typing you as an enfj; very close to the exact opposite of INTP; I don’t understand how people could be so wrong. Why do you think that is?
            I definitely agree that the always confident, always on time, self-assured robot type of people are often putting on an act. Have you ever conformed to this Jness in any situation? I often change my persona in desperate situations if I have to, I confess!
            So true, imo Ne= biggest picture Ni= second Se= third, Si= fourth. It’s interesting the way each function differentiates in its selection of ideas. They can’t grow if they think they know everything I think that was rhetorical haha
            That’s why Ne’s are great at adapting! I am jealous 😛 do you think you are good at changing if need be?

          • jdieqzx says:

            Oh, in my situation, currently, I am the employer. So when I said I get intj, entj, enfj, estj, I meant when I test others I get those results for them and those are the types I have to pick from when I hire. I test as INTp/j, every time my entire life when I am taking the test, never anything different. But excellent question you asked based on what you thought I said. And people think I am Extroverted and Judgemental/why? Well, in Myers Briggs the 2 outer results can change through habit. INTP can become ENTJ. It is the 2 center letters, NT, ST, NF, SF that really can’t change. I believe it was explained to me as the 2 center letters being genetically related and the 2 outer letters being environmentally related.

            INTP’s also upset the status quo. If they see an easier way to do something they will do it and explain how to do it. This upsets the “professions” because it demystifies the professional’s aura of competence and shows what a phoney he/she really is. People don’t like this. It is embarrassing and costly to those in charge but very beneficial to the rest of society. INTP is a blue collar thinker. Think, Galileo, Einstein Archimedes. All were under pressure and nearly killed.

      • david says:

        I am an INTP, and i enjoy using weed on occasions and i would say i am addicted to the computer, but i can also tell that i would never get addicted to any hard or illegal drugs because, i would plainly never use them. I cannot tell if i might go to a rave or not, and yes im lazy.

      • CB4ATL says:

        I’m INTP and an alcoholic in recovery, so there’s at least one anecdotal albeit subjective example for ya! But seriously, yes I see it a lot among my other friends in recovery, I even sought this out because I had suspicions that it was the case. Crazy! Also, INTPs test the highest in IQ and that’s typically a good indication of neurosis and introversion, also good indicators for addiction. You seem to have a pretty warped sense of what addicts/alcoholics actually look like, they’re typically extremely high achievers unless they have other mental issues going on.

        • INTP-A&T says:

          INTP opiate addict here – whether I think I have a net gain or net loss in quality of life from my use/abuse of opiates (all commonly called opioids now), – I am unsure. When I was still addicted to drugs not dispensed at a methadone clinic, I certainly would say they were certainly harmful, causing self-destructive behaviors. But as something to keep me from imploding with disdain for this world (yes I am a horrible misanthrope), I think they have served me well.

  2. Ugly fat poohead says:

    Good article! I have an addiction to poo.. Can u help me please! LOL

  3. babelclaire says:

    Hi, I have a question for a novel I’m writing. Is there a personality type that’s more likely to be the “obsessive fan” type, and to do anything they can to meet their hero? Thanks!

    • tatl33 says:

      Absolutely, thanks for asking a question that I actually know a far share amount (novels/MBTI)
      Lets break this down:
      Introverts are most likely to be obsessive fans- extrovert= focused on many things, many interactions, many people. Introverts= more selective, etc.
      Hence I’s are more likely.
      Than you get the F types who are emotionally invested and attached to certain people, and often it becomes the IXFP types that become attached to someone.. a common misconception that many 13 year old girls are IXFP because they listen to Justin Bieber/One Direction when actually just because they are obsessed with that person 🙂

      • Hannibal says:

        I am INTP and I am not an “Obsessive fan” but I am EXTREMELY prone to obsession of anything that interests me. To the point where it is an addiction. Obsession however towards a person for me is pathetic due to the fact that I think people are too flawed and I will rather obsessively study the person than be his fan, that is why I have NEVER had a role model. Being a fan does not make sense to me in the least. What do you achieve by being a fan?

        • tatl33 says:

          I think studying how people work is interesting, but yeah I agree obsessing over a person is a bit weird, I don’t understand it either 😛
          I think being a fan of someone gives people someone they can attach with and get connected to other than themselves. That’s the only reason I can really think of

      • jdieqZX says:

        Being a fan implies doing it with someone, going to a ballgame, having friends over to watch a game. VERY much extroverted. And extroverts focus on many things but they are fans of many things. That is why there are so many successful sporting events. The beer drinking football fan that paints his chest and takes off his shirt in the winter and wants to be seen on TV is an introvert. Are you kidding? The salesman with the company compd tickets who takes his client to the hickey game is an introveet? No way.

        Here is a list of introverts at a sporting event.
        The Coach ( can turn on the extroversion for the money, temporarily).
        The play planner.
        The scoreboard keeper.
        The guy who troubleshoots the scoreboard.
        The team owner.

  4. kestrel4 says:

    I hate people who respond to questions when they don’t know the answer, but that’s what I am going to do. That is a great, great question because, when you find the answer (and lots of people will answer) the MBTI-type description will give you a fully formed character for you book. You’re clever!

    • tatl33 says:

      I so agree with this! Because people spend so much time creating personalities when they have 16 already made for them, ready to be mixed together to make an interesting character 😉

      • Lochy says:

        hah its waaay more than 16 bro 😛
        the 4 letters is only the beginning 😉
        im sure you know all this i just feel like saying something here 😛

        then you have the functions, but even then through my experience, not every INFP is the same. so even those functions could be out of order or stronger or weaker making an almost infinite amount of possibilties within each 4 letter grouping.
        That’s how I see it, and how you can get so many different people (7 billion)
        but at the same time, have similarities and feel closer to some people because you share similar traits but you will never be the same person as anyone else.

        isnt that just SO COOL!!!!?
        thats what i think 😉


        • tatl33 says:

          Yeah I guess it’s pretty awesome! 😀 I mean in a way the 16 letters is just a way of categorising people, just like physical things (race, gender, age, status, job etc.)
          In a way, MBTI just categorises people based on personality traits. So you could shove in any other trait you wanted if you wanted to do it differently (INFPX or INFPY with X= confidence and Y= lack of confidence) so you’d get a bunch of creative, successful INFP’s who are making the most of their life, and then a bunch of INFP’s who are sort of down on life. I don’t know 😛 or another trait might be better! And if you shoved in 1 million more letters you might find all the traits that make each different person unique. Well, at least that’s what I’m thinking your trying to say 😛 LEMME know if you agree!

          • Lochy says:

            yep thats pretty much it 😉
            but its just nice to have something that can help understand some of the more core aspects of a personality like the introversion and feeling central themes for me, but still have lots of variation between each person for the way everything works together =]

            would you think its possible to catagorise every trait displayable by someone?
            cause i think sometimes each trait has an effect on another, so thats even more variation.
            e.g my Pness (im a guy i had to :P) in my opinion may affect the way my feeling functions work and the more relaxed way of being empathetic rather than the planned and organised (people who run charity types) thats just a thought nothing concrete 😛

            meaning each slight variation in a single element or aspect of how you work may affect other areas of your life either directly or indirectly.
            thoughts? =]

            thanks for being so interesting and well informed for engaging discussion =]

          • tatl33 says:

            Hahaha I love it- your Pness 😛 I’m gonna use that one!
            I definitely think every single trait could be displayable, and they all have an effect on another. It really comes down to the causation/correlation theories in my opinion, regarding what traits effects other traits. Not sure if you have heard of them, you might wanna quickly skim through them coz I found them pretty fascinating and applicable to MBTI 🙂

          • Lochy says:

            hahh i think i stole it from somewhere too 😛
            i was mentioning it to my girlfriend, she sighed 😛

            then theres obviously jness. be creative 😉

            hmm nope, haven’t heard of any actual information on it, but it makes sense that it would exist.
            link? i couldnt find anything.. :/

            i was outside the other day (surprise!) 😛
            at church.
            and people watching can be so interesting..
            watching people and their groups, social interactions and connections.
            its strange stuff, and in a way ive always felt outside of it.

            social interaction can be really difficult and i generally just dont feel connected to it, or to other people.

            whether its introversion or not, we can all end up different with many different experiences.
            just noting some interesting thoughts and experiences 😛
            ttyl =]

          • tatl33 says:

            What do you think it is that makes you not feel connected to people? Do you think it is the INXX? I find it is the INTP type who usually feels least connected to other people from personal experience, but most INXX’s types feel it to some degree. Not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion, it allows you to be in your own world 🙂
            Haha yeahh. There was a survey on the best place to people watch and most people voted for at the park. So next time you want to people watch, go to the park, although parents of kids might get creeped out depending on how you approach it.. 😛
            Has your girlfriend responded to the answers yet? I know it’s a late reply but I’m really interested in hearing 🙂

          • lochy says:

            hmm.. i think theres possibly a few factors, other than just the feeling different to everyone else which i think is a INxx thing as you mentioned.
            but i almost feel a level beyond that, looking at everyone blending in, in some way and i just sit back and observe from the outside, the interactions of others and how they experience the world around them. possibly some enneagram stuff in there.
            feels like in some all of our convos, they arent really suited for this site anymore 😛

            hmm.. thats a nice and positive way to look at it, and sometimes it is good to just harvest my own thoughts and anything that my mind wishes to create. which can sometimes be useful when put to a good purpose. like generating content like, talking lots about feelings or thoughts etc..

            hah i dont think i would ever actually go out to a park just to watch people, its mostly a fill in time thing, or something i do to ignore how uncomfortable i am actually being around others.
            i talked with my girlfriend about the multiple levels of interaction i have, see if you understand at all 😛
            outer layer is interactions with strangers or people i dont know. im fine as i feel they dont care and i don’t have to worry about what i do or how i look.
            then there’s people i know about or that know about me in some way, smaller communities like churches, or groups of some sort, classes anything really.
            then there’s people who im actually really close to.
            the point of me being most uncomfortable is with the level 2 people, people i kinda somewhat know or see regularly but have no real connnection to. its just awkward 😛

            hhe sorry about that, no not quite yet, i should try and push her a bit more ;P
            maby knowing that you’ve asked about it might help 😉
            she’s quite slow and as an intp, takes ages to do anything 😛
            cause she reads over everything written and read like a bunch of times before she gets it or is ok with it.
            ill see what i can do =]
            ill go back and check what questions your talking about.
            but if you get to reply before that, remind me which questions your talking about if you can? 😛
            thanks =]

          • tatl33 says:

            I think the Fe in me makes me very aware of how other people are feeling so I often feel emotion with them. Do you feel that as an INFP to some degree, being that our types are very similar?
            I can’t remember my exact questions, but I am just interested in how you and her experince life together as INXX’s and her being INTP? Yes push her to do it 😛 I’m curious!
            Yeah I’ve heard an interpretation from ES types people who don’t live in their world, they say how bad it is sometimes always caring about what’s going on around them, and often being easily distracted. Extroverted types also often feel obliged to talk to people more, or phone a friend they haven’t phoned recently or whatever.. Being an introvert in many ways is easier socially, as firstly you are often the one invited to do things by introverts, and secondly you can just enjoy the company of yourself without always feeling like you have to do something. What do you think? Agreed?
            I definitely agree with you about the layers! For me though, I could probably add in a few more layers! 😀 A layer in between the smaller community people and close friends would be friends who I would trust to an extent but not fully!
            And then I’d put a final layer which is just myself. As in the only person I’d ever tell EVERYTHING to is myself. Do you have a final inner inner layer of only yourself or is that just me? 😛
            I agree with your ‘level 2’ people being awkward often. I sometimes find I have more to talk with strangers than an acquittance. With strangers you can ask stuff you don’t know about them, with people you sorta know its different!

          • lochy says:

            hmm.. i think this can apply. i think i sometimes experience things from within their state of mind.
            so like if something is happening, i think about how they might be experiencing it, a form of empathy i suppose, starting thinking about their perceptions of the things surrounding them.
            however this will most likely be influenced by my own assumptions, even if im not directly thinking about what i actually think about whatever might be happening, if that makes any sense ;P
            still a new area for me 😛

            heh im slowly pushing her towards it, she began by getting comfortable with the site, looking through and reading things. she disagree’s with you on some things 😛
            so might be interesting to get opinions going on that one. 😉
            just wait a bit heh

            i assumed they didn’t mind it seeing it was how they are.
            i only msg or connect with people i actually already have had or still have a deeper connection with.
            which excludes most people 😛
            (i think my Fi can be highly selective of my interactions and who i find ‘interesting’ or ‘worth my time’ put bluntly)

            it would be easier if people stopped making us feel bad for not fitting in, i am more than comfortable with sitting in my room all day for most of the week. i honestly dont mind too much, and i feel there is a whole world going on when im ‘connected’, msgs on skype, reddit, here etc..
            i feel more ‘disconnected’ when im away and out in the real world. almost like im bare.. and when im online its more like im in some sort of mechanised exosuit./exoskeleton thing.
            totally just thought of that while typing, but it kinda is like that ;P

            heh i would probably agree with your extra layers too, i dont think i went that deep into it. but yes there does seem to be multiple levels of different interactions all separated with different rules and expectations. some more uncomfortable than others.

            so i dont think i have that last layer. i would prefer to have someone else know everything.
            having the comfort that someone accepts all of me, probably a type 2 thing ;P
            i cant even remember if im asked about enneagram before.
            sorry 😛
            any thoughts on that?

            i have a question about your functions that ill leave for the other post 😛
            cya there 😛

          • tatl33 says:

            yeah see that is a lot different to how i perceive things!
            yay! and im completely okay if people don’t agree with my ideas- in fact i encourage it! like i acknowledge that my ideas aren’t set in stone, like its only a blog after all! im not writing a scientific journal so i guess i should acknowledge i could be wrong! 😀
            I agree with you about selectiveness about who you spend time with. I don’t think it’s just an Fi thing though- I think it more has to do with introversion in general, in that we spend less time extroverting ourselves and hence we prefer quality over quantity. Like every introvert I’ve talked to has said that to some extent 🙂

            and holy holy holy crap. your a genius with that theory of outer, inner layers, etc. guess what we did in sociology lecture today. we learnt about patriarchal, private and public social life… the three layers of society. so basically they actually have the exact same theory that you have! when i was listening i knew it sounded familiar and then i just remembered the theory we discussed and i realized where the connection was 😀
            I would say the ‘comfort that someone accepts me’ sounds like a type 4 thing too! i dont know why, but just google type 4 and read a quick description and tell me if u agree! 🙂
            cya there man!

          • Lochy says:

            hah its probably only a small part of it maby.. i feel there is a lot more to learn about how i perceive and interact with the world.
            heh always good to be open to new ideas =]
            hehe ye you could possibly be wrong couldnt you 😉

            i do understand that, i feel highly selective.. and very closed off to who im open to. i just say it this way because ive seen other introverts be more open than i am, and willing to socialise, possibly because they were older. if its just my youth thats making me closed off i wonder what is expected, like.. there seems to be a level of expected sociability for everyone, and as soon as i go find a corner its like im doing something wrong or im just the odd one out 😛 (or dissappear into my phone which may be considered anti social i suppose, although id much rather text my girlfriend than have random awkward convos with ppl, thats just what makes sense to me)

            hahh i havent been called a genius too often as an infp, im generally not known for my intellect 😉
            i think tapping into my own experiences brings these thoughts or theories to mind, as did the person who came up with the more formal idea of it 😛
            you might have to talk about that more sometime, i feel like typing things out is just taking too long tho 😉
            such a bothersome method of communication, all human communication feels too slow for an infp.. too many thoughts to have to slow down to communicate. 😛

            hha i think its personally also a 2 thing, our major desire is to be loved, and with super closed people, i get closer to that goal of being loved by someone especially if i feel they ‘need’ me.
            but ye i think i understand what your getting at with 4. their idea of uniqueness and possibly focusing on ‘someone accepting “ME” ‘ not in a totally slefish way.. kinda.. but more in a way of acceptance from others approval i guess? 😛

            sooo where do i start to tell you about what ive been up to 😛
            havent been able to reply cause ive been at my 3 day seminar for my counselling course, got another day to go tomorrow.
            yesterday we looked at types of therapies which was cool.
            THEY FINALLY MENTIONED JUNG’S NAME. i was waiting for it big time 😛
            and of course freud 😛
            and a brief mention of mbti, which i think we will be doing later in the year, however i dont think we will be doing anything i havent done before, but at least it’ll be cool to talk about others with it.
            funny thing.. our guest speaker was a counsellor for 13 years so far, shes an estj she said, oddest combo for counsellor maby? 😛
            she came from the business side of things. anyways, she mentioned that in her opinion, infps are the best counsellors, i wanted to put my hand up and down and all around at that point, but being me it was more of an internal scream as emotional expression like that just doesnt happen with me ;P
            especially in a big room. but it really got me going on the inside 😛
            another topic for you 😉
            best counsellor/helper/caregiver.
            theres a few types considered for this role, i wouldve said the infj as i think infps can be too all over the place sometimes, which is something ill have to learn aside from other skills. verses an extraverted counsellor as well.
            this stuff very much interests me 😛

            ermm. today was all on theology. a whole day of it, 9-5. was falling asleep.. heh nothing too new there so wasent enjoying it too much.

            i was thinking earlier that i have no idea how i found this place, glad i did though 😉
            should really look at new methods of communication 😛
            there’s positives and negatives to instant communication though, sometimes allowing time to write stuff out is handy, but maby moving on from forum comments sometime would be good 😛
            onto the next post 😉

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. delicrux says:

    at first as i read through this post being a INTP i started to internally evaluate my thoughts on the subject then i laughed and said to my self im probably going to read every post and not say a word. i normally tend to feel my conclusion will not be realized, are to obvious or are just to much to type. So i would normally not post or delete what i started to post(i will try not to so you can have some insite into my mind as an INTP)

    after all how can an INTP research an INTP if we never atempt to record and compair our ideas?
    short of dumping our consciousness into the internet and doing cross analysis i cant think of a way.

    lets begin
    the post i read the whole thing and all the comments, the part on intp and addiction i feel is not true for all INTP i cant speach for every one but through personal experience i will say i experimented with weed in highschool it was experimental and an exploration to come to my own conclusion.

    My conclusion was while it did allow my mind to go deeper into analysis on everything from the texture and material used in the carpet to the complex issues found in society, government, and the human race, or theories of timetravel and parallel universes i felt i didnt need a drug to reach that state of mind and thus found it useless and a waist of time, money and a health risk. however i met people that were crazy enough to hear my ideas and debate with me. in the end i weighed everything thoughts and experience and contrary to popular belief i was not addicted and could quit at a moments notice and since i found no use in it i did. i dont know if any one else has felt this but over the past few weeks i felt my mind shift from a fuzzy analysis of my surroundings back to being sharp again (i prefer a sharper mind) self discovery is nice but i would not try anything i thought would cause permanent damage or reliance.having said that i dont/have never smoked cigarettes because i have watched people die from it. 0

    having said this i dont feel INTP would be willing to sacrafice their mind for drugs and addiction, and if they do they will be most likely to find their way out.(i want to say just dont do drugs it hurts more than it helps however im not a doctor 😛 so ill settle for be safe and above all KNOW yourself and your limits if you cant drink beers with ought knowing when to quit, and find yourself in the tub covered in vomit then you should not explore anything remotely addictive…ever.)

    ive noticed as an INTP from a young age that i see things differenly than most.
    i also learned to analyse my self through meditation when i was young so i have a decent grasp on myself.

    sometimes i want to step out of transparency (like i am now and pass on my knowledge and projections of the future) but before i open up to another the idea makes me feel extreamly uneasy so i literally run through everything i know about the person from what they are wearing to religious beliefs, attitude, status, and there level of knowledge (I dont judge them only evaluate there level of understanding based on previous test test i did to see what was ok to talk to them about and what they brought up on there own.) im not done yet that happens in enough time for a sentence to be said.(i should add this is also why we might be seen as space cases when we stop speaking then decide to say nothing mid sentence. it personally doesn’t bother me i just see it as they dont know me well enough. i also dont feel like explaining how i came to some conclusions as they are to complex or long.)

    next i try to percieve there reaction by placing my self in there mind set and then i try to project the future of the conversation, and the possible consequence (will my friend even listen or lose interest and anoy me, will they accept it as true and not try to find there own conclusion will they find me crazy or stupid, will they hate me and stop talking to me, or will they find it interesting and debate the subject adding theories and ideas of there own.) i guess i search for other INTP’s lol

    from that point if they pass i tend to disguise my theory as a question to see if they com to the same conclusion and have a debate on the subject. mind you these thoughts are personal so i then to keep the most complex part of my theory to my self and push them in the direction to bring the idea into the open this allows both of us to reach the same conclusion with a solid understanding( at least i think so) or i will find new incite and reach a new better conclusion.

    i started doing this because i had a deep conversation with a friend and reached a conclusion i could have never reached on my own. so every once in a while i will try to be a very uncomfortable extrovert to see what i can learn from others (99% of the time im not )

    it may seem like i talk to alot of people but i dont and i almost never post even though i tend to read all the comments thinking i might miss something interesting.

    i apoligise for the typos i know are in here i dont find typng interesting and almost never do i also started this post 7am so excose my typo.
    to the fellow INTP’s out there hi i hope this is usefull for what ever crazy research you have. and i want to know if any of you notice or thend to do similar things out of habit. thanks.

    • exiesu79 says:

      I’m an intP as well its 4 am and I’m on my phone. Thanks for sharing. I tooo…do not have an addictive personality. I actually know and believe they destroy lives….and I run from everything that might pose control over me…however it might be due to the fact that I married an enfj at 17. I drink coffee like an addict….but every now and then I stop cold turkey for a week or month…just to prove to myself that I’m stronger. I probably would have tried soft drugs by now just to experiment….but I’m raising five kids right now…I’ll probably be the stoner granny. 😉 I do like a glass of wine now and then to take off the edge….but my favorite drug is quietness. Love my kids to death…but I’m so thankful they are finally all in school. I Absolutely don’t know how I survived without my me time…..it’s all been a blur. My 18 year old son doesn’t think…..it’s think these types…enfp are at the highest risk for major dog addictive behaviors. He has had both drug and alcohol problems…but could be somewhat related to his semi traditional…..semi psychotic upbringing with me and his father being so different….sometimes it’s chaos around here…usually so.

  7. Arakkun says:

    INTPs would try drugs, find it’s not funny, neither good and stop before even becoming addicted.
    Hell they won’t probably even bother to search something as a drug, something that gain you just a temporary good time and end quickly, but cost a whole lot ( and there’s things better than drugs that last eternally in front of drugs, like comics or games ).
    They are Ti-dom, in fact, they DECIDE themselves if drugs are worth being buyed after considering all pro and counters, and they aren’t worth.
    I would, in fact, say those students where just mistyped IF they became addicted after their first try.

    (Or it’s me that found alcohol bitter and too costly, like tobacco)

    • Arakkun says:

      While Ne want to try things, Se is more likely to have an addiction to something that made he feel good ( like my dad who smoke about 60-80 cigarettes per day ) without thinking through the consequences of his actions.

      • tatl33 says:

        That’s a good point! I think drug experimenting types would more likely be Ne, but drug pleasure seeking types would more likely be Se. What do you think?

        • Arakkun says:

          Yep, that’s right since Se-doms and Se-auxs especially live in the present, while Ne-doms and Ne-aux want to try and experiment

  8. AutomneIris says:

    Reblogged this on irisbleucreation.

  9. Intp says:

    As an INTP myself, you are all a bunch of idiots. What are your qualifications and experience to say that intps would or wouldn’t do xyz? You’re rash generalization of a type based on what you’ve read on the Internet and then regurgitate like you know anything is proof you are not one of us. Alcoholism and drug abuse is rampant among us intps and is sometimes the only way we can tolerate being around such boring ignorance. Substance (ab)use allows us to express actual emotion and not feel like foreign robots. Please do not ever generalize what you believe to be true without actually knowing us.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m an INTP and recovering addict. I drank (to excess), smoked pot 5 times a day one year and then got into opiates….eventually Heroin. I smoked crack as well. The drinking was the only socially associated use – at parties, etc. However I drank alone as well, as I became further consumed by it. With the hard drugs, and the true addiction that comes with, it was only about finding money, finding drugs, using drugs, then maybe eat, sleep, repeat. I was markedly alone throughout. I managed to complete half of a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering before my addictions became too much. After I got sober, I returned and finished my degree. I don’t do any drugs now, but I wonder if things like AA are less useful for addictid INTPs – we are not joiners! I found organizations like that somewhat valuable, but could never completely give in to their program and culture. Anyway….just my experience as an INTP addict.

  11. Billyboy says:

    This is a pure reflectoin of MBTI and not based on empirical data but i’ll post it anyway:

    I think that if any MB type are prone to drug addiction, it must be a higher risk among the SP types. They are the sensation seekers above alle the others. Especially ESFP and ESTP (Primary Se). They live in the moment and dont take such great care for consequence than do the other types, but on the other side they are said to be more thick- skinned than other types. That will be at their advantage in growing up without beeing as much traumatized as the other types (N- types especially). Drug addicts usually have a lot of traumas that will increase risk for drug usage. I believe the P types are usually the “spontaneous” types that have a greater risk for drug usage than J types that plan for future. Drug addicts like to be spontaneus and live for the moment and it is proven that drug addicts have low degree of consciousness (from the five-factor personality test) wich correspont a lot to Judgement (J) from MBTI.

  12. Edwin Hoot says:

    This sounds as if it were written like a 5th grader.

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