Which MBTI type is most likely to be autistic?

Autism: Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.”

Autism is a personality disorder that is becoming increasingly common in our world. One of the main arguments that exists on MBTI type websites is which MBTI type is most likely to be autistic. After doing my research, I found a bunch of MBTI type professionals who typed autism as an MBTI type. However, this wasn’t enough. What better way then to find out from people who are diagnosed autistic? I looked at some polls and posts, and after much reading I found which type autistic people are most likely to be. Why are they the type they are? Read on to find out.

People who are autistic are undoubtedly introverted. People who suffer from autism spend almost all their time in their heads. All signs point to their high level of introversion- they are quite, prefer to focus on something by themselves, deep, spend the majority of their time thinking and not responding to extroverted stimulation appropriately. This makes it clear that introverts are most likely to be autistic.

Secondly, autistic people are thinkers. One of the most common traits of autism is a lack of understanding of others- they are not good with people and they find it hard to relate to others. They do not read body language well, one of the reasons it is hard for them to sense sarcasm. However, they are extremely logical, which is one of the reasons they have such high IQ’s, hence it can be concluded that they are thinkers.

Thirdly, autistic people are definitely judgers. They are not comfortable with following a new routine, and if something is different to what they are used to, it can often lead to an emotional response. They are extremely devoted to what they are interested in, and they do not behave in a spontaneous way. This makes it clear they are judgers rather than perceivers.

Finally, autistic people are more likely to be intuitive than sensors. This is evident in their ability to find patterns in things that others don’t (such as counting cars to determine things), their amazing ability to focus on one thing (which is a common trait of an enneagram type 5, which is what an INTJ is), their high level of imagination and creativity and their deep and logical understanding of the world.

Autistic people are likely to be extremely intelligent

After the typing above, it is clear that autistic people are most likely to be INTJ’s.

Which MBTI type do you think is most likely to be autistic? Leave your opinion in the comments section below!!

About tatl33

Hello, my name is Tim! I am an INFJ interested in psychology currently residing in Australia. My aim is to provide you with information on MBTI and how it can be related to real life situations. Enjoy :)
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131 Responses to Which MBTI type is most likely to be autistic?

  1. Father Tan says:

    Hmmmm gooooooddd article mate, I enjoyed reading it and may have jizzed a few times. Not trying to be autistic or anything, buttttttt…. There was a spelling mistake where you said ‘quite’ instead of quiet or something like that 😛 I strongly suggest you change it because I am being as critical as possible here and can’t find anything else to change! Great articles mate, you have got yourself a loyal and devoted fan!! 😀

  2. Brandon says:

    Yes I agree too, but I would have to say that INFJs are more likely to have Asperger’s.
    Just some backup info.. http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/83639-can-infj-have-bad-people-skills-even-aspergers-syndrome.html

    • Brandon says:

      Just to add.. I am an INFJ, I agree with your INFJ assessments totally, and I do have a clinical diagnosis of Aspergers.

    • Catherine says:

      Not to be rde, but there is a slight error in your statement. By its definition, the only difference between HFA and Asperger’s is that HFA do not develop normal language patterns in early childhood. However I agree that this article shows a general trend.

  3. Brandon says:

    and another… I am deeply introverted, in mentality and anatomically, my temporal lobe region is very pronounced. The point I’m getting at is my Fe and Ti are quite balanced.

    • Brandon says:

      …as (without going into too much scientific detail) from what I can tell Ni seems to corespond to the left temporal lobe, Fe to the left prefrontal cortex, Ti to the right temporal lobe, and Se to the right prefrontal cortex (This is only for INFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ESTP); hell I’ll go ahead and add the rest: (Left temporal lobe Ni, Left PFC Te, Right TL Fi, Right PFC Ne – INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP, ESFP); (LTL Si, LPFC Fe, RTL Ti, RPFC Ne – ISFJ, ESFJ, INTP, ENTP); (LTL Si, LPFC Te, RTL Fi, RPFC Ne – ISTJ, ESTJ, INFP, ENFP)

      • Brandon says:

        and so an INTJ doesn’t see this and have a heart attack I spelled corresponds wrong.

      • jdempcy says:

        Brandon you should read Dario nardi. Your functions are wayyyy different from his findings. He used eeg to determine brain function

      • Ignasi Martí Palet says:

        Where did you get all this anatomic-cognitive funtions relationships? Did you come up with them? Are there any studies about it?
        It’s something I’ve been asking myself for a few months, if there might be any known anatomical or physiological manifestation of cognitive functions.

      • Ignasi Martí Palet says:

        I’m an INTP and even though I’m not an asperger nor autistic (that I know of) more than once I’ve been called autistic. And I’ve always felt different than most. I’d say I’m very social though. In very social situations my behaviour may resemble more that of an ENTP, though after a fer hours I need a lot of alone time, specially if the people I was socialising with were people I’ve just met.

        For a lot of time I thought I had some mental disorder so I started to read about them. And I realised I liked psicology a lot. I also love biology, in fact I studied microbiology and now I’m a high school biology teacher. So even though I’m an INTP and I like maths and physics, i like biology and psychology more, just like you!

        What are you studying?

  4. Aimee says:

    I am an Aspergers INTJ (, but I can say that this article is quite biast. You cannot give autism as an mbti type. I find it ridiculous to dismiss a genuine disorder as being a mere personality type. Anyone who knows anyone with a form of ASD will tell you that it is a genuine disorder, not a personality type. I have been a part of an autism group a few years ago and can tell you that autistic people differ in personality just like normal people do. Also, it is important to know that not all autistic people are smart – in fact, most have normal intelligence. The idea of a socially inept nerd as the typical aspergian is a stereotype that is true to an extent.

    This in mind however, I haven’t met too many Autistic people that were extroverts. Perhaps they may start as extroverts but social failure causes them to become more introverted. Autistic people don’t all show the same symptoms either. They are not always good academically and some may have learning difficulties. Not all of them are creative or imaginative (N), some are down to earth despite having poor social skills (S). Some can be rigid in their routine (J), while others can be utterly disorganised (P)- this trait tends to be either/or. Not all of them are thinkers either or are particularly logical in their thinking. Just because someone prefer feeling over think does not automatically give that person a social skills advantage.

    I know that is is just a /more/ likely prediction as with the rest of this site but I just had to put that autism is a genuine disorder NOT merely a personality type. However, I smile at this because I am a typical Aspergers INTJ, although my interests are more towards the biological sciences (what I am studying at uni) rather than physics or math. The autistic people that I know (besides me) that know their mbti type are INTP, ISTP, ISFP, ENTP, ESTP, ISTJ and ISFJ.

    • tatl33 says:

      I’m sorry if I offended you. As you said yourself, your right, this is just a prediction site, and I do understand what you mean when you said that it is a genuine disorder not merely a personality disorder. The intention of this site is to create MBTI judgements out of different types of backgrounds, and I have done extensive research by visiting a forum for those with autism where the majority were INTJ, INTP or ISTJ (which I should have mentioned.) I am interested to hear your opinion on this. As you can see, I am labelling various groups, not directly attacking autism, I have also kept in mind that this is more than just a personality disorder (which was also done when blogging about psychopaths and other disorders), and I have done the research that there is definitely a trend between autism and MBTI. http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt185828.html

      • Gemma says:

        I do like the link you have provided. I understand what you mean, INTJs are definately most /likely/ to display aspergers characteristics. It just annoys the hell out of me when people try to dismiss people with aspergers or autism as mere special people, little professors or unique people. Our autistic traits do actually interfer with our lives, I’ve known people who have been admitted to mental institutions because of Aspergers. I dislike people self diagnosing themselves because they are quirky or eccentric. From what I know about myers briggs, Introverted thinkers often do not have people skills as their innate talents. INTJs and ISTJs not naturally expressive with their emotions or seek out emotionality with others (introverts with Te and Fi functions). INTPs come across as eccentric with their Ne, their repressed Fe function can make them oblivious to social conventions. Similar must be true for ISTPs to a degree, I’ve come across some sites that say that ISTP/INTP personalities are more likely to have aspergers.

        • tatl33 says:

          Actually, that’s a really good point about the introverted thinking and repressed Fe function. Do you think that people with a strong Fe would be less oblivious to social conventions in any case, or is it mostly Fi (in your opinion?) I also understand what you mean about dismissing people with autism as “special.” That wasn’t my intention at all, sorry if that’s how it came across! If you have a part of this article that you disagree with, lemme know and I’ll edit it!

        • jdempcy says:

          I know way more autistic INTPs than INTJs. INTJs tend to be schizotypal which can be misrecognized as autism but INTPs seem more schizoid. Which can also be confused with autism, but may in fact have more correlation… Compare schizoid and schizotypal to see the difference in INTP and INTJ. Also INTJs tend to be self confident/narcissistic. INTPs are listed as schizotypal in some resources like celebrity types but I have yet to meet a schizotypal INTP–one who is really into synchronicity, ideas of reference, astrology, I Ching or any other “schizotypal themed” stuff… INTPs are actually far more similar to ISTP than INTJ.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can you PLEASE stop calling Autism a “personality disorder”?? It is NOT a personality disorder, it is a developmental disorder! There’s a HUGE difference between these categories. One you are born with (developmental) and one is most often caused by childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, or even injury. Autistic people often go on to have happy normal lives and they are not Autistic because of their parents poor choices. This is particularly offensive because for most of the 20th-century, they actually DID believe it was caused by bad parenting! Specifically, Autism was believed clear through the 1980’s to be caused by what they referred to as “The Refrigerator Mother” (because it’s always women’s fault) and the “experts” would flagrantly ignore the fact these mothers often had other children who were affectionate, well-adjusted, and performing well in school. They ignored this because to acknowledge it would be to acknowledge that the theory was flawed.

        Currently, we know that Autism is hereditary, and it occurs more often in babies born to mothers of advanced age which can be as young as 35, so still not something worthy of “blaming” on the mother. Irrespective of what causes Autism, most Autistic people ARE happy, well-adjusted people who are contributing members of society, and are completely capable of showing and feeling affection–something starkly in contrast with the beliefs of the “experts” once again. When my son was 2 and we KNEW he was Autistic, his pediatrician told us it was “impossible” because “he shows you affection”; my son is 12 today, so this was only a decade ago, and it is an anecdotal example of how these harmful misconceptions still linger on today and cause harm. It caused my family harm because this pediatrician refused to send my son to the Autism Clinic for evaluation, so I was forced to wait a few years longer as we all struggled until the school district could evaluate him. His first Child Psychologist said it was so obvious that he “wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes in a general ed. Kindergarten class without getting pulled for an evaluation” had I not pursued the help. All those years of emotional pain for my son and us because of antiquated standards that have been proven wrong for decades still being applied by medical professionals… please don’t add to the misinformation families like mine have to fight every day.

        Being Autistic is just a different type of normal… and my son is an ISTP, but that’s his personality type which has little to nothing to do with his Autism. His father, also mildly on the spectrum, is an INTJ… there is no connection here nor there.

        • TallThinGirl says:

          I totally agree that it is NOT a personality disorder. However I disagree that there is no correlation between at least a couple dimensions of what we call personality type and being on the spectrum. None of this is real. This is all neuro-diversity some of which falls in the curve and some falls as outliers .

    • Malachi Poe says:

      I have to agree with Aimee. Different MBTI types exist among ASD. I am introverted INTJ but my son, who is diagnosed, is extroverted ESTJ. The social circumstances, akin to all on ASD, he has to deal with forces him into an introverted box where he has to learn some introvert skills for self worth. It’s the same as an introvert learning some extrovert skills for social relevance. So autism IMHO, is functionally introverted but it can contain individuals with a muted extrovert personality.

      • tatl33 says:

        Hmm interesting… Many people that I talked to in my research said that introversion was one of the defining traits in people with autism
        The “muted extrovert” theory may be what it is, I’ll research it some more 🙂

        • excuse me but says:

          Well, Jung typed Isaac Newton as ExTJ. What we can see mainly in his case is strong Te and lots of Ni. Maybe just maybe he was an extravert and many people think that he was an autistic and introverted but he could be an ENTJ. An apple falling from the three moments are common in ENTJs while INTJs just percieve.

          An extravert can be socially introverted.

    • Kuroinfp says:

      I like you intj person 😀 completely agree with you

    • Anonymous says:

      You are correct. There is a saying that goes with Asperger and autism, all because you’ve met one person on the spectrum means you’ve only met one person on the spectrum. I myself have aspergers syndrome, severe ADHD, and an impulse disorder. Even though I am highly intelligent(personally I’m not sure myself people just tell me that when I randomly go on a rant on something I’m passionate about, but I’m no where near as intelligent as my INTP father), I struggle with not only day to day life, but also academics. However I’ve learned to cover up my symptoms by high levels of practice. ( It also helps that due to an incident my Asperger was caught when I was age ten so my mother gave me vitamins that will help with proper brain development.) Furthermore during work, my coworkers tell me that if I hadn’t told them I was on the spectrum they wouldn’t have known.

    • Lesley says:

      “Just because someone prefer feeling over think does not automatically give that person a social skills advantage”… I’m an INFP and on the low end of the spectrum. Being a feeling type did not help me at all in grade school, in fact it can make things worse because an F type may more easily pick up more on some social cues towards them that they aren’t being accepted whereas a T type would take longer to pick up on that. Also an F type feels that pain intensely. The J vs P division is not 100% in individuals. Although I’m a P, I have various parts of my day that follow a set routine that I gain comfort from. I differ from the standard autism model in that making to do lists charting out my entire day would feel very oppressive to me.

  5. Erika says:

    I am INFP [female] and have asperger’s. If it weren’t for intensive therapy from ages 5-17 I truly believe I would NOT be INFP. Some say that what type you are is what you will always be but I was “shown the light” and was at the right time and place within myself at a young age. Hope that makes sense.

  6. Patrick says:

    Feelers still think… Feeling is as well a form of thought. In fact, many autistic people tend to use feeling to think, which is why they are more inclined to do so. This is known as intuition and makes autistic people seem often odd to others (i.e. others on or off the spectrum).
    I am an INFP (male) and high-functioning autistic adult (20). From a young age I wrote stories, I preferred this over making friends, I’d live in my own world and use patterns I’d see in everyday life for a way of creating my own vision of life that I’d put what I thought was the best of into my stories. I could also very easily find passion to learn anything. At the age of 18 I picked up drawing/painting for the very first time and became able to recreate what I could see exactly on paper/canvas (both traditionally and digitally) better than even people who’d been doing the same thing from a very young age, even though I find it so hard prior to even handwrite accurately (I made my own methods) – I became the top of my class and am now a professional concept artist/writer and musical composer. I’m not so much like a savant or anything, though, autism has made me a unique and very intellectual person but this demonstrates an autistic person is socially introverted and can benefit from this. I’d think autistic people are most often INTJ (thinkers, nerds) or INFP (idealists, dreamers), INTJ are known for unusual interests that orient logic, and INFPs are the sort who became so reliant on their internal way that they mastered a way to communicate this to the external world around them such as via the arts. As far as interests/behavior are concerned, it’s all to do with what the autistic person orients on, as generally autistic persons latch on specific things and put all their effort to put their own tangent on it. Yet while I’d say these types of personalities are stereotypical persons, it depends how autistic they are, their interests and circumstances – so not all would have the aforementioned personalities, furthermore, personality (like some forms of autism) can be fluid. To understand the MBTI/Jungian type indicator better, google “MBTI and Jungian Functional Notation”.

    • Erika says:

      You said it perfectly.

    • tatl33 says:

      I’m referring to rational, logical thought which corresponds more to thinking types.
      And interesting what you posted about the INFP’s, definitely true about personalities and stereotypical persons, read what I wrote to Aimee and Gemma in the above comments. 🙂

      And will do, I’m always interested in learning MBTI knowledge, thanks for your feedback and useful information

    • Simon says:

      This certainly seems to be untrue based on my own personal experiences. Because everyone I have met who is autistic bases their decisions on logic, almost as if they don’t have feelings at all! In addition to this autistic people have a lack of empathy towards others, not unlike psychopaths. This would further indicate that autistic people are f’s

      In terms of P v J, it’s quite obvious that autistic people are NOT perceivers as you describe. One of the defining characteristics of autistic people is that they can’t adapt to change, which is something perceives are quite competent at. For you to suggest otherwise is just, I’m sorry to say, plain wrong and flies in the face of all MBTI research. But thanks for your input I needed a good laugh 😉

      • WKP says:

        Autstic people do NOT lack empathy, and they are completely different to psychopaths. Austicti people experience empathy but do not express it in the ways that neutrotypical people do. It’s also inaccurate to say that ALL autstic people are unable to cope wth change. Like someone commented above, many autistic people are disorganised and do not show ‘J’ characteristics. Please don’t post things with so many inaccurate generalisations and stereotypes.

        • tatl33 says:

          Exactly right.

        • Anonymous says:

          First lets understand that Empathy itself is separated into two categories. first is cognitive empathy and emotional empathy. Emotional empathy is the ability to sympathize with another human being, Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand another persons feelings as well as many other things. Studies have shown that most people diagnosed with Aspergers show signs of lower levels of cognitive empathy but can have above average emotional empathy. Psychopaths have higher levels of cognitive empathy but lower levels of emotional empathy. Further studies have also shown that the part of the brain that psychopaths have that deals with emotional empathy can be turned off and on with practice.

      • CM says:

        Another person has adequately responded to your factual mistakes. Myself? I’m more disgusted by the inflated holier-than-thou ego and extremely condescending and dismissive attitude. You generalize an entire group of people as having no empathy and yet don’t seem to show any concern for the effect your words may have on others. You hypocrite. Learn how to communicate with people in a respectful manner. Until then, please stay out of these conversations.

        • Kuroinfp says:

          Not trying to insult anyway. Just stating a fact. People are not interesting in learning about others unless they have too. It seems the same with caring from when i am watching people.
          I am pretty sure i have aspergers. Half way through testing. My mindset is “why should i bother learning to communicate to others if they will not try to understand my social problems?”

      • Luna says:

        A lot of your observations seem to rely heavily on autism stereotypes. I’m autistic myself. This is my response as it relates to my type, if that makes sense:

        -I vs E: That’s pretty accurate. While there are autistics who are extroverted, in my case, I get really uncomfortable with prolonged social interaction, especially small talk, and especially with people I’m not close to. I can’t stand small talk. I need my alone time and time to just think and daydream.

        -N vs S: Kinda accurate in my case. I think I tend to notice some things that others may miss, but I’m not sure.

        -F vs T: This is actually inaccurate for me. A friend has told me I’m highly empathetic. I think part of that has to do with me being a Theatre Major and a Creative Writer, where you have to be able to understand people if you want to act and write characters. I also think I try to go with my gut. So I am actually a Feeler.

        -P vs J: This is the most inaccurate for me. It is both a stereotype and a fact that autistic people usually prefer routine because, in a world that’s not made for us, we have little to no control over anything. This used to be the case for me, but I’ve changed a lot. I hate routines. So I am actually a Perceiver.

        So I am an autistic INFP.

        • Lesley says:

          Same here, an INFP. I agree with your comments. I’m highly empathetic and I pick up on enough social cues and if anything I pick up more things like micro expressions that the NTs miss. I need a certain amount of routine for a sense of control but the rest of the time needs to be free floating to go where the muse leads. I have difficulties socially in that all these other people just want to talk about boring stuff. I spend some of my time in those settings trying to hide my discomfort because all this small talk makes my anxiousness grow. My mind starts to wander and I feel sad and invisible and like an alien and have had melt downs later because it is triggering to me. It is so frustrating – I just want to talk about something interesting and most people are having none of that. This sort of thing along with bullying or being ignored in my early years and emotional pain from lack of love and understanding in my dysfunctional family has produced social anxiety in me from the get go.

          I’ve always wondered if I had autism (also I was slow to learn to talk as a child) but every time I looked for info online, it would list a few traits I don’t have, such as lack of empathy, stimming, over logical brain whereas I’m intuitional, I have no trouble making eye contact but can get lost in people’s eyes because I’m basically an empath. Then just lately I got to researching it again and then the light bulb went on and everything made sense. The problem is that not all autistic people are the same – there is a lot of variety just as there is in the general population.

          • Richard says:

            I am and INFP and Autistic. It is my understanding, as a layman that while I am a “feeler,” I am not very empathetic, as I do not feel with others. If someone is victimized, I do care, but do not feel with the victim, instead I am outraged by what the perpetrator has done and want swift justice. I test in the Autistic range for very low empathy. I believe some of us are confusing empathy with feeling, and so are perplexed that INFPs can be Autistic.

      • Luna says:

        Actually I’m autistic and I despise routine. I’m an INFP.

        Also, fuck off with the lack of empathy bullshit. A friend of mine has told me I’m highly empathetic. We’re not psychopaths.

  7. kat1800 says:

    Interesting post and comments! I’ve known my youngest was not neurotypical since about second grade, but because he was so high functioning in school, he was not diagnosed ASD until 5th grade. His temperment came up as ESFJ – he craves socialization more than almost anyone else in the family and is extremely artistic (we have several artists and quite a few introverts). My oldest is INTJ, but not at all autistic?! As a teacher, I find that it is very useful to look at these kinds of evaluations ( I also use the Strengthsfinder and Learning Style tests) to help me gain clues into how my students (and my kids) function and think, but none can be labelled and categorized so easily. I’m INFJ btw, which might influence my perception 😉

    • tatl33 says:

      Hey Kat thanks for your positive comments! I’m also an INFJ and it’s great to see another INFJ post on this blog, which is a very rare joy 🙂
      I agree completely about noone being labelled and categorized so easily- your stories helps to illustrate that as your oldest INTJ is not at all autistic. My blog entry is of course a huge generalization and is meant to be used to help people understand certain personality traits in some autistic people but I really hope people take it that way without generalizing. As a teacher, I think you would enjoy this article:

      Which MBTI type makes the best school teacher and principal?

      Let me know if this article helps!

    • Kuroinfp says:

      Youre a good teacher. Need more like you. Not enough willing to understand their students or to properly teach

  8. Dana says:

    I am an INFJ / Autistic and I concur

  9. Interesting article here, thank you for sharing. I’m a female INTJ (evidently perceived by some as a mythical creature) and I definitely have a sense of “kindred” with high functioning autism, although I haven’t been formally diagnosed (at the time of this writing, at least). I know that others perceive me as being quite inflexible, despite my best efforts to find a workable “give and take” with those around me.

    Part of me wants to tell the people who have made disparaging comments at you to put their “feels” away, but experience tells me this might not go well for me. I suppose that’s fair; it would be rather difficult for me to put my “thinks” away.

    • tatl33 says:

      Thank you, I appreciate your rational and constructive feedback and contribution to the discussion!
      That’s the thing about writing blog entries though; I have to face criticism on controversial entries, so I’m fine. In writing this article, I just hope I helped some clueless people on traits often associated with autism- introversion and intuition- even if MBTI isn’t the best way to do so, because that’s the only tool some people will understand through. I hope you’ve enjoyed the article and if you have any further feedback for me it would be great 🙂

  10. Charity says:

    My brother has Aspergers and he’s ISTJ. I will add, however, that I think a sideline diagnosis of aspergers or autism can make it difficult for a person to find out their real personality type, since a lot of the aspie traits are enhanced versions of Si/Fi. ISTJ is the only thing that really fits my brother, but he also shows a lot of Ti in constantly asking questions about everything (which may be his aspie side taking over).

  11. My three kids all have Asperger’s diagnoses, my daughter is ISTJ, my elder son is more of an ENFP and my youngest defies classification 🙂
    Excellent article though, thank you.

  12. anna says:

    Autism is NOT a personality disorder. This is stigmatising, incorrect and ignorant.

  13. Spencer says:

    Hey there! I was wondering about Myers Briggs and autism. I have mild Asperger’s and I’ve gotten INTJ 2 or 3 times on those darn tests. But other times I’ve gotten ISTJ and maybe ISFJ (can’t remember exactly), and so it just seems weird. I think it was because the “N” part I had was marginal, like 1% or something. So I was barely an N, and not that much of a T or J, either. The introversion is most certainly an “autistic” trait, but you don’t have to be on the spectrum to be introverted. Nor does introversion guarantee that you ALWAYS HATE being around people. Sometimes I’m in the mood for conversation and company, and sometimes I’m not.

    I get that you have this whole blog on MBTI types and such, but you do realize that it doesn’t define you or your personality, right? It may be a good indicator of how you as a person handle situations and interactions with other people, but it doesn’t guarantee much about your life and such.

    I don’t really like these sorts of tests since, as you’ve indicated, the only reason I get INTJ is almost solely because of Asperger’s. It makes me feel uncomfortable because it just perpetuates that stereotype that every person with Asperger’s or any sort of autism just has this set personality. That’s not true at all. Having Asperger’s doesn’t define my personality, just my mannerisms and some of my behavior–but only to a certain degree. I have numerous other personality traits, good and bad, that are defined by other things in my life, like my personal views, life experiences, etc. Furthermore, people change a lot, and that’s probably why my MBTI changes sometimes, too. When you make a bunch of people on the spectrum take this test and they all get the same thing, then it just looks like you have a bunch of clones. I’m not part of a mass, I’m a unique individual.

    So I can understand if you love doing stuff with this information and figuring out how people tick, but don’t forget that people are more than just a set of capital letters.

    Although I will admit I do point out spelling errors sometimes 😛

    And like others have been saying, autism isn’t exactly a personality disorder or a mental disorder. Maybe in some technical sense, yes, but only in the sense that it is an “unusual alignment” of one’s personality and mental capabilities. Be sure to clarify by your usage of the term “disorder” that you’re not trying to link “us” with, say, an “insane” person. We have a tendency to take your words very literally, so either clarification via restatement or careful diction is necessary. (In other words, say what you want to then say it again to hit home your explanation, or just be careful what words you say).

    Just my two cents, and BTW I’m not “offended” by this or anything you said. Good luck with all of your MBTI stuff 🙂

    • Kuroinfp says:

      Me having aspergers kind of explains to me why at times i seem different than other infp. (I read a lot that they tend to emotionally over think things. I do this but not as badly as they do O.o if that makes sense).

  14. Laura Brouwers says:

    Hi! I’d like to add that this small.. article? Isn’t very accurate at all.
    I have aspergers syndrome, the test gave me the “enfj” result, and from my own experiences I can tell you autism isn’t directly a match with being introverted.
    I am a very extroverted socially-motivated person and professional, my non-autistic partner on the other hand, is a very introverted, calm person.
    The world would improve tons if these harmful stereotypes about autism would be toned down a bit, I think.

    • tatl33 says:

      As I said, I’m not saying all autistic people are introverted- I never said that there is a direct match between the two. Instead, I believe there is at least a small correlation between introversion and autism. I’m sorry if I have offended, I have more tried to provide an understanding of autism from an MBTI perspective rather than stereotype. Remember, these typings are not applied for everyone- they are just in general, introverted thinking types are more likely to be autistic. If you have any other issues with it, I understand and I’ll try to rewrite certain sections of the article that you find offensive.

  15. Anonymous says:

    ENTP; I work with research and education to raise awareness for autism. I scrolled through comments and didnt see a comment shredding this theory so felt obliged. First off, if you have a theory, dont write it as a fact; as you are wrong it is misleading and adds to the tripe the internet provides. The difference between fact and theory is great; i.e This is an incorrect observation vs I believe this could be an incorrect statement.
    I can promise that this is incorrect although I can see the mental process taken and it is understandable. Truth is you cannot type a neurological disorder with the MBTI, however the cognitive function used by the quiet autistics is Si relating to the past ect and the function used for the hyper ADHD types would be Se. There is an equal amount of people with ASD that dont understand peoples emotions as there are neurotypical people. Many Autists have the emotional preference, that doesnt mean they are all feely feely but that they feel emotions very raw. They are as different from each other as a neurotypical person. Si and Se seem to be the only reoccurring factor and it is believed that autism is defined by lacking the ability to access intuition (which is where people predict future acts and emotional relevance).

    Study people and study autism, what you are looking for is ISFJ’s and ISTJ’s for the type of autism you are focusing on. It has to be noted though that these personality types are for neurotypical people not for neurological disorders.

  16. Alouette says:

    Vaccines are the cause of the increase in autism worldwide, a trend that follows the pushing of vaccines globally. For that reason, you should see more and more autistic people in developing countries, as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation foists deadly vaccines on them.

    • Sarah says:

      So … why am I autistic while both my sisters (vaccinated the same as me) are archetypal neurotypical social butterflies?

      For the record, when I first did the Myers Briggs test the result was INFJ; three years later it was ISTJ.

  17. Malaki says:

    For years I was INFP until I decided to retake the test (again) and it says I am now ENFP. I have Asperger’s and have been spending a lot of time watching people and learning how to interact socially. Since I started doing that 2 years ago I have noticed a huge change not only in my personality but also in the way I present myself. Things are just as hard, if not harder, to be “normal” and like “everyone else” but the hard work has paid off so much that people no longer believe me when I say I have Asperger’s. Is this a common occurrence? I am a 27 year old trans* male. (If you scroll up I posted years ago under the name of Erika- talking about how years of therapy helped me.)

  18. Kuro says:

    I dont consider it a personality disorder honestly. Its like claiming other cultures have personality disorder because they have different culture.

    It just means you’re different and there is not anything wrong with that. I dislike the terms “professionals” use. It makes it seem like you’re calling the aspergers child and adult dumb for not conforming to “normal” social standards.

    • Lesley says:

      There is a line of thinking these days that people with autism are just a different type of person. Some even think that it is a new type of human. If one could imagine a world in which autism was considered normal or was even the norm lol, that they’d have fewer problems socially and therefore would be more likely to be well adjusted people. Feeling like you are different from everybody else does a serious number on a person’s head.

      Personally I think the so called normal people are overrated. A lot of them lack emotional intelligence, insight and empathy.

  19. I have high-functioning autism and I often come up as being an INFP. This time I retook the test and it said I have marginal preference between S and N. Both are very artistic, sensitive, and emotional which sounds a lot like me.

  20. daum korea says:

    자폐아는 외부자극에 무반응 ip가 관망 관조한다 ep가 호기심을 행동화한다. ej가 하고싶은말이나 행동을 거리낌 없이 한다.. ij가 신중히한다??

    ip가 자폐아

  21. Dirk Horsten says:

    You are so wrong !!!
    As an autistic father who has raised four autistic children and as leader of a discussion group of autistic people, I assure you people with autism are as diverse as other people.

    I know very extravert people with autism, including my oldest son. Probably there is a small majority of introvert people, because being different, not meeting people’s expectations; we receive a lot of negative feedback.

    Most of us indeed spend a lot time thinking and reconsidering. In my case that is part of my personality, but for many people it is just a way to survive in a world that does not share their own gut feeling. Some even quit and give up thinking about social relationships.

    Some of us might be judging, I am clearly not. Like many autistic people, knowing how easy it is to misunderstand people, especially if they don’t have autism, I post pone my judgements so long that people often don’t know whether I share their opinions.

    Finally, though I have a tendency to be intuitive, this is not typical for autistic people. The reason why some companies specifically hire autistic software testers is that we can easily operate in an extreme sensing mode, scanning every detail.

    • Lesley says:

      I’m an INFP so I’m intuitive and there are other INFP autistic people commenting here. The supposed lack of intuition and empathy are reasons why I thought I couldn’t be autistic. The definitions are evolving all the time. As I’ve been exploring youtube videos etc I have seen that many autistic people have empathy and perhaps too much of it. And many are artistic or creative which requires intuition rather than logic. There is also a difference between men and women. Men more easily fall into the stereotype role of lack of empathy and working with numbers, code etc. Most of the previous studies on autism involved only boys/men. I think in time that the researchers will narrow it down to a few different sub-types within the autism spectrum.

  22. flutistpride says:

    Autistic ESTP here. This post doesn’t even take into account cognitive functions, just descriptions of the four letters. Neurological disorder and temperament are NOT the same.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Well I must say I have to confirm this. I’m autistic and also INTJ. The analysis of why also seems highly accurate.

  24. Luckylilac says:

    I am a femail with a diagnoise of Aspergers syndrome and My personality type is ISFJ

  25. Silas says:

    It’s not a personality disorder, actually. Personality disorders are generally psychological rather than neurological, and, although there are exceptions, autism is not one of them. Just thought I’d point that out. Also, a large amount of autistic people ARE sensors; personally, I think ISTJs are slightly more common than other personalities on the spectrum, although there are definitely many examples of varied personalities in autistic people.

    • Lesley says:

      I think that one reason why there are more autistic sensors is simply because sensors are the largest group in society. I also suspect that the autistic intuitives tend to be more in the highly functioning group. Just a speculation.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This is a connection that I made last year based on evidence that introverts have a higher level of neurotransmitter chemicals in their brains and actually have to “cool down” because they become over-stimulated. This is why they need so much alone time. According to findings recently discovered in horses, this appears to be occurring during the birth process itself and has lifelong consequences. See the attached link-.


  27. Un simple ENTJ says:

    No estoy de acuerdo. A mi parecer una persona con Asperger se aproxima más a un intp, ya que son los menos apegados a la realidad y menos sociables.

  28. Anonymous says:

    No, Autistics are more S than N. One important trait is “Impairment of imagination”.

    • Luna says:

      Actually, autistic people can be highly imaginative. I have a professional autism diagnosis and I am extremely creative and imaginative.

      • Lesley says:

        I commented something similar as I’m highly intuitive. I suspect in the future they will discover certain sub groups within autism besides low/high functioning and males/females.

    • Anonymous says:

      No matter of fact it is the opposite. they have an overabondance of Imagination, hence why they make good artists

  29. MainReactor says:

    Autistic Spectrum + childhood emotional abuse (where child cracks and is pulled back and fore emotionally) = ENTP

    Source: My genius emotional abused self and every other ENTP i’ve met (many of them don’t realise they’ve been emotionally abused. I mean sh*t. Neurotypicals don’t even realised they’ve been emotionally abused, because it’s a constant thing and we are what we know. Just like people brought up in religion as an example, they know nothing else, even though the rest of the World knows and can see religion is wrong on so many levels (and itself is a cause of childhood emotional abuse, not just the typical sexual abuse associated with religion).

    Everyone knows that the geniuses are emotionally fucked up. There are countless sources in history.

    Of course this isn’t to say other types of MBTI aren’t likely to be on the autistic spectrum, they just express it differently and generally lack confidence or the neurotic drives behind them. For instance, me ENTP rebel against authority due to childhood abuse (my “drive” is biggest fear is being controlled), my girlfriend also ASD but INFJ accepts authority too much due to childhood religious emotional abuse. She had both parents, I had one.
    I could think about what the key differences are that gives us different types, and honestly it’s kinda obvious intuivetively, but I care not to think about it as much as to explain it, as it creates too much distress for me.

    However I will say, any minority % MBTI types outside of neurotypicals, we can say the majority of the time are on the autistic spectrum and or aren’t neurotypical, and or additionally are emotionally abused with different levels of support, lack of support, neglect and so on.

    PS for those quoting science and these and that chemicals, please stop, psychology is an infantile “science” and it’s also abstract. I have run circles around my psychiatrists in the past, including big boss consultants who have been doing it for years. I’ve been doing personal growth since my early 20s (almost 15 years now), long before I found out that I struggled with Autism Spectrum and ADHD etc.

    … It’s all about perspective… and ain’t no ENTP who don’t know more of them than any other MBTI type.

    PPS Some of us are ADHD heavy over ASD heavy, so our ability to joke allows us to seem less autistic, which results in a huge skewering of what people with more ASD than ADHD think and believe about the rest of us on the spectrum and thus skewers results of article comments like this… that’s without the “trained” beliefs, misunderstanding and sheer ignorance of mental health therapists shove on us or articles printed online which as a group we general consume like a bunch of biblical locusts and get lost on our way.

    I could comment on other types likely to be on the autistic spectrum, however i’m not comfortable doing so as my exposure to them are minimal aside INTPs. This again though is complex as they are perceivers and not the typical J’s who are more likely to the stereotypical type of people on the autistic spectrum, just doing doing doing what they read and not thinking about it.

    TL; DR
    People who aren’t neurotypical are either and or emotionally abused or not neurotypical, typically on the autistic spectrum.

    PS TL; DR
    ENTPs rule ;PPP hehe

    @Silas: No we’re not sensors. We’re just prone to becoming overwhelmed and thus more reactive to stress because we don’t have the emotional or social capability of dealing with stuff in the current World. Aside that though, no we’re not sensors, we just pay attention to detail because we’re not distracted by social sh*t in general. That brain energy gotta go somewhere, and it’s general in our “heads than hearts” (not to say we don’t care cause we care more than others!!!).

    Anyway, before my ADHD continues kicking my a$$.

    MBTI is a pile of shit (the myers briggs version) and i’m sad seeing people dedicating so much study to it, instead of using it as a tool to identify and recognise parts of their personality including discovering words they may of not known before to consciously recogise their behaviours and it’s saddening that so many of us get stuck on it instead of learning other parts of psychology and doing their own self reflection.

    MBTI is a tool and a start, not the end all.

    • Lesley says:

      I related to a lot you said like… People who aren’t neurotypical are either and or emotionally abused or not neurotypical, typically on the autistic spectrum. I was emotionally abused as a child. This isn’t talked about much but this has got to be a big factor for some autistics – unless it is diagnosed in childhood. It is sad but a lot of parents who don’t know what is wrong with the child will make it a lot worse by singling the child out, even make it the black sheep of the family etc. Also, I always figured my problems were due to my upbringing with a narcissist mother, yet I felt there was something more. Like why would my mother delight in telling me stories about how I was strange as a kid? So recently I have put it all together. It is like a sizeable chunk of the jigsaw puzzle was missing until now.

  30. Taylor says:

    I’m autistic but I score as INFP. Your prediction was pretty close though.

  31. Holly says:

    Honestly, I’m pretty sure that INTPs would be the most likely to be diagnosed with autism, followed by INTJs. I’ve also met an autistic INFJ, and an autistic INFP as well.

  32. Andrew Kull says:

    This is really a great discussion and some really good observations. I want to provide a another perspective.

    I’m a very high functioning autistic. Sensory processing does not determine personality, it just makes it harder to deal with people and the world around you. I’m an INTP but all of my scores are borderline (E/I, S/N, J/P) but T/F I’m always 100% T. This is due to me suppressing my emotions because they are so hard to “control”. People think I’m an extrovert but I don’t like being around most people because I don’t know what they want. I LOVE new things but I don’t want anyone changing certain routines or moving/touching my things. I also need thinks in order or in “the pattern” or I get completely distracted until I fix them. In other words most people think I am a different MBTI type, ESTJ than I am, INTP.

    My daughter was diagnosed with severe autism a year ago. I see the same things in my daughter. She talks all day about how much she wants to see her friend and then huddles in the corner or on my lap when we get there. She loves new toys but she gets mad when you move her juice. She loves (kid’s pizza place) but will crawl under the table at a loud restaurant. What I’m trying to say, is that it can appear people with ASD are an MBTI type. In realty, they might just be reacting to their environment, not displaying their true personality.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I work with kids with autism and have a son and several family members with autism. I am not disagreeing with you but I just wanted to point out that I have known people with autism that can be other which I’m sure you weren’t saying they couldn’t be different just that they tended to be those types. I have known someone who I’m sure was an extrovert. I also think my son is a feeler. He is an emotional boy like his mom 😉 I wasn’t sure about the intuitive because I thought at least with people they tend to take things at face value so I was thinking it would be sensor usually but idk I just wanted to point that out in case anyone was wondering

  34. Anonymous says:

    INTJ and Aspergers

  35. Susanne says:

    Female INFP-T (The Mediator) with suspected Autism here. I recognise a lot in the INFP-traits, things like ‘wants to be a writer’, ‘prefers to communicate via written text, rather than phone calls’, ‘cannot handle injustice or fights’, ‘needs to re-charge when overwhelmed by social interactions’. I’m not very good with actual mediation, because I cannot really handle emotions. 🙂

    I’ve only just started my diagnostics for ASD, but the psychologist says I’m a ‘clear case’. Which kinda saddens me. If I’m so clearly on the spectrum, why did nobody ever do anything to help me with it? I’m turning 34 this year, have messed up my career by picking wrong jobs all the time, live in social housing because I’m poor as hell…

    Dunno. I do know that traits of both ‘Aspergers in women’ and ‘The Mediator’ fit me like a glove, though. 🙂

    • Lesley says:

      Same here… INFP-T. I have only recently figured out I’m autistic and I’m 66! Long story. I’ve wondered about this for years but whenever I read about it I found things that I’m definitely not. Of course until the last while all these test results were about boys which present differently than girls. I’ve always had problems with social anxiety depending upon my mood and circumstances. I have always felt different from everybody else. In my research along the way I found several labels but autism has rounded it out to complete the picture. Some labels… INFP to start with which I identify with a lot; Introvert which is so different from the typical NT and is based more on the extrovert temperament; CPTSD from growing up with a narcissistic mother; an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), Empath… and a touch of schizoid during phases in which I’ve retreated from the world.

      I had developmental problems as a kid and as a result it was hard to make friends. Instead of trying to see if there could be help for me I was just judged for my strange characteristics by my narc mother hence the CPTSD. So I had been carrying a lot of toxic shame.

      I agree with your last paragraph. I relate to being an INFP and I think that if I was not autistic, I’d still be an INFP… just a more self actualized version.

  36. Anon says:

    I’m an Aspie and I’m actually an ENTJ.

    “Autism is a personality disorder that is becoming increasingly common in our world.”
    Autism is a neurological condition, it’s not a personality disorder.

    “After doing my research, I found a bunch of MBTI type professionals who typed autism as an MBTI type.”
    You could and can make a guesstimate, but Autism isn’t a personality type on it’s own.

    “People who are Autistic are undoubtedly introverted.”
    Well, you could argue that a lot of them are or can appear as such, but behavior =/= how a person processes information.

    “All signs point to their high level of introversion- they are quite, prefer to focus on something by themselves, deep, spend the majority of their time thinking and not responding to extroverted stimulation appropriately. This makes it clear that introverts are most likely to be autistic.”
    I do want to make one correction before continuing, but it’s quiet, not quite. Also, in regards to not appropriately responding to stimulation, that doesn’t necessarily mean one is an introvert. A person can love the idea of being around and talking to people, but get overwhelmed by the noise rather than by social interaction on it’s own. I’m unsure of whether or not that’s true.

    “Secondly, Autistic people are thinkers.”
    Yes, this does apply to me, but does this apply to every Autistic? No, it doesn’t and the way it’s phrased makes it seem like you’re making that implication even if that wasn’t what was intended.

    “One of the most common traits of Autism is a lack of understanding of others- they are not good with people and they find it hard to relate to others.”
    In my case, I can understand where people come from a lot even if I don’t necessarily agree with them. In terms of relating to them, it would depend on the person because I could relate to certain aspects or traits of a person if I don’t as a whole.

    “They do not read body language well, one of the reasons it is hard for them to sense sarcasm.”
    Body language =/= sarcasm. Also, I’m pretty good with detecting it for the most part, but sometimes, if it’s due to the tone of a persons voice being off/if someone phrases something to the point where sarcasm isn’t obvious (even online), then I do get confused.

    “However, they are extremely logical, which is one of the reasons they have such high IQ’s, hence it can be concluded that they are thinkers.”
    High IQ =/= logical or a thinking type. No, it really can’t, but I do understand where the correlation comes from due to how they’re usually described as.

    “Thirdly, Autistic people are definitely judgers.”
    Not true, I’ve known of a few people that’re Autistic and ENFP as an example. So, this isn’t correct and a generalization once again.

    “They are not comfortable with following a new routine, and if something is different to what they are used to, it can often lead to an emotional response.”
    This is depending on the individual in this case, it doesn’t apply all across the board.

    “They are extremely devoted to what they are interested in, and they do not behave in a spontaneous way.”
    They can be devoted to what they’re interested in, that’s a given, but to address my previous point about how, “Autistics are definitely judgers,” then this is also incorrect.

    “This makes it clear they are judgers rather than perceivers.”
    No, it actually doesn’t, but I’ve already addressed this a couple times so, I’ll be moving on.

    “After the typing above, it is clear that autistic people are most likely to be INTJ’s.”
    I don’t agree with this. In my case, it’s been pretty common for me to come across Autistics that’re ENxP more than any other type.

    • Lesley says:

      Interesting comments. I highly agree with your points. As an INFP I’m an intuitive feeler perceiver which shouldn’t jive with autism but it does. I’ve come across youtube videos by autistic women who are also strong in those areas. Some of them even call themselves an Empath – imagine that lol. The author has some good points but he is talking more about the stereotypical autistic males.

  37. Lucia Little says:

    Eh, idk. I tested as ESTP and im autistic. I dont think it affects type at all.

  38. Richard says:

    I have both self tested and been professionally tested as being INFP. Recently I have been reading “Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding Social Mysteries Throught the Unique Perspectives of Autism” by Dr. Temple Grandin & Sean Barron. I can relate to much of what they are saying about what it is like being on the ASD spectrum.

  39. Erin says:

    I think this is inaccurate. Being extroverted or introverted isn’t a choice and even people who are misunderstood, intelligent or whatever can be extroverted. People I know with autism are extroverted. Being an N or S is also more to do with how abstract the ideas in you head are. Like one person I know with autism is always in their head but they’re always thinking about something they can do with their hands – shows he’s practical and thinks of things that are realistic. Obviously an S. People with autism find it hard to empathise and pick up on social cues so the question is what makes someone an F? An autistic person could be an F if they are very focused on their feelings and use their feelings to make decisions. The decisions may not make sense to others but it makes sense to their emotions perhaps. I think I do agree with you on the P/J area. Generally I’d say most people with autism are Js and Ps with autism are a bit control freaky. Just from experience

  40. Jon says:

    Maybe rather than concluding that autistics are most likely to be INTJ, it might be better to conclude that autististics are least likely to be ESFP. I am INTP leaning a bit toward INFP. Your analysis makes sense, and yet autistics are all different.

  41. Cole Lynch says:

    I’m an ENTP and have PDA (a diagnostic profile of autism/asperger’s)

  42. Zeftaria says:

    I’m autistic… Asperger’s to be specific… I am between an INFP and INTP.

  43. Pingback: Which MBTI type is most likely to be autistic? | Ramblings of a Confused INFJ

  44. Katerina says:

    I have high functioning autism (aspergers) and I’m an ENFP…

  45. Ellie says:

    I’d say probably INTP/INTJ. Most of my diagnosed friends have the same personality type. Also, just a heads up, we don’t ‘suffer’ from autism. We suffer from the stigma around it, and the way people treat us because of our differences. It’s a neurological development difference too, not a personality disorder.

    • Alyssa says:

      Actually I’m INFP.😅😄 I defy the odds I guess… my difficulties did not effect my personality, despite the stigma.

  46. Yasmin says:

    1 correction.
    They are not judjers, they crave structure , correct but that’s because they’re very much «perceives ». Perceivers are Norton-top thinkers and most autistics are Bottom-top thinkers . MBTI most likely to be Autistic is actually the INTP and even INFP ( autistics can be feelers, the lack of cognitive empathy has nothing to do with affective empathy).

    • Richard says:

      I agree with you. Judgers want structure and decisions finalized. I also agree that lack of empathy does not mean the non-empathic person does not care. It means he/she cannot feel what the other feels. But he/she can care very much.

      • Alyssa says:

        I actually find it easy to empathize. Although I do have autism I can feel the emotions of others, especially in books. I also like to be reserved, but I like having creative freedom despite my restrictions.

    • Eden says:

      Judgers are people who want a structured lifestyle. Percievers are people who want a spontaneous one. When you look at Autistic people, it becomes clear that most of them are Judgers. Since so much of their world is confusing, they desire consistency in anything they can. For example, a bookshelf arranged in a specific order or, if they’re younger, toys lined up in a specific pattern. Maybe a routine in how they start their day. And so on.

      • M says:

        A lot struggle with executive functioning, so they tend NOT TO BE JUDGERS, although it may seem that way on the surface.

  47. Kay says:

    “After the typing above”?! Lol as if that is all the proof you need?! everything you said was opinion. Not one assertion was drawn from fact. This whole “article” is a joke based on stereotypes.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Got an Autistic ISFJ brother.

  49. Alyssa says:

    Well even tho I was diagnosed with high functioning autism, I’m almost the opposite. Although I definitely like having my freedom, I struggle with finding a happy medium of communication. I also try my best and at times I am ridiculously nice. I guess I represent the other half of autism. That it’s not always restricted to those traits. Not all Autism is like that. I guess I should represent the alternative?

  50. Checkbox says:

    I might be INTJ, 5w6, I am diagnosed with high functioning autism and I think this article is 100% wrong.
    100% wrong on MBTI because you ignore functions pairs and 100% wrong on autism because behavior is not how a person processes information and autism is not a personality but an disability.

  51. Sandro says:

    “After doing my research…” “I looked at some polls and posts, and after much reading”
    Where are references?

  52. Eden says:

    Autistic people are known to be incredibly empathetic once they understand the other person’s situation. Because of that, I would argue that Feeling would fit more than Thinking. Obviously not in every case, but I think it makes more sense.

  53. M says:

    I think that a lot of people on ‘the spectrum’ WISH THEY WERE INTJs, when they are really INTP or ISTP, from my personal experience

  54. Dave says:

    Fascinating. I’m in my mid-50s and have tested INTJ three times during my adult life — once in college, once in psychotherapy when I was about 30, and once about ten years ago. One year ago, I was diagnosed with ASD. I always knew I was an extreme introvert, but now I know why I prefer being alone and can’t make small talk with people I don’t know. It’s really interesting that you find a correlation between INTJs and those with ASD. My (admittedly short) experience talking to others on the spectrum has shown me that ASD manifests itself in wildly different ways with different people, so I’d be curious to see a large study of the MBTI results for people with ASD of all types.

  55. Did 3 personality tests all saying intj, others have called me neurotic, impatient, in my head, shy, abnormal, logical, hyper sensitive easy hurt or bothered yet to harsh or insensitive to others, and very curious, to nosey want to know every detail through questions. Need to be on my own. Can you relate thank you, a good explanation and discription.

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